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How to get maximum traffic to your blog or website?

Get 10,000 Visitors to your web site each day!

How to get maximum traffic to your website?

Generating traffic is one of the important factors involved in internet website business. Whether you own a huge commercial product/service oriented website that is designed for marketing or just a small online blog based on a miscellaneous topic, web traffic is necessary in order to get visitors to your site so that your ultimate goal is achieved. Bringing traffic to your website is an important requisite as creating your site. Apart from increasing the popularity of your site, web traffic is an important tool which determines your business potential if you have enrolled into online affiiate programs like Google adsense. Many people simply don't know how to bring visitors to read their websites, despite having websites with quality content. In general, websites that have unique and quality content will get more traffic as compared to inferior sites which normally get ignored by search engines. Apart from renowned stand alone websites, most people prefer to access websites through search engines like Google, Yahoo and social bookmarking sites like Digg, Stumbleupon etc

When I started creating websites, Viz, blogs and Hubs, I got a  traffic of around 50-100 visitors per day during the first 2-3 months . I was very much discouraged at this but I quickly learned how to increase my traffic multiple folds through simple innovative methods. This way, I started submitting my website links to Search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. But the real jump came when I started submitting my sites to Social Bookmarking sites such as Digg, Reditt and Stumbleupon etc. Unlike search engines which are sought mostly by people looking for non-specific topics, social bookmarking sites are mostly sought after by people looking for subject-specific topics. So, greater are the chances of your site being found by others. At the end of 6 months, I was getting a traffic of around 1000 per day. My online revenue from affiliate programs such as Google Adsense, Kontera, eBay and Amazon have also increased multiple folds

Given below are the various ways through which you can increase traffic to your site. Using these techniques, you can bring up to nearly 10,000 visitors each day provided your site has quality content.

Blogs/other websites:

You can bring traffic to your site by sharing information about your site or submitting your website links in other websites and online communities like Blogs. This way, lot of people may get to know about your site


If you want to popularize your website, who else can better help you than your friends!!! So, if you have published a website, email your friends/relatives who would serve as initial traffic generators

Favourite chat rooms/forums:

Chat rooms and forums are a wonderful place for marketing your site since these serve as meeting point for a wide range of online communities

Search engines:
Search engines are the perhaps the best way to attract visitors because these provide never-ending traffic to your site. Major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN generate traffic to various websites around the world. In order to make your site appear in search engines, you need to submit your site to each of them. However, if your site is extraordinary and good enough, you need not submit it to search engines since search engines will automatically track and pick up quality sites

To know how to get your site listed in major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN, visit

Social bookmarking sites :

Social Bookmarking is an online web tool through which you can share your favorite articles, website links, photos and videos with the rest of the world. Social bookmarking sites have become very popular over the past few years because many people around the world prefer to use bookmarking sites to search for interesting topics or news, rather than use search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. Social bookmarking sites like Digg, Stumbleupon and Reditt have become quite popular among net savvy people nowadays, due to the fact that these sites provide access to content-specific topics and websites

To know more about Social bookmarking, visit

Automatic Third party URL submission: There are third party companies which provide traffic boosting to website owners. They will increase traffic to your site by periodically submitting your sites to search engines and social bookmarking sites, on your behalf. In turn, they will charge you around $10 or $20. You can pay them instantly online through your credit card and they will start campaigning for your website instantly. This is also a very good way of increasing traffic, especially for commercial websites and people owning multiple websites.


  1. yes back links are must

  2. Nice sharing about SEO[Search Engine Optimization].

    I am using the Search Engine Visibility[SEV] service for my website.I got this service at low cost from with many features and excellent customer service and support at 24/7.
    It helps to promote the site in following ways:
    Complete Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for one website,One-click submission to Google, Yahoo!, Bing and AOL,Easy submission to over 100 search engines and directories, Google Keyword Generator and increase your page rank in Google and many other search engines.So,website traffic will also increase.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. great tips. hope this will help me to get more visitors.



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