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How to maximize your Adsense Earnings?

10 Useful Tips to maximize Google Adsense Revenue

For all Google Adsense users and people who wish to become Adsense affiliates, this hub will serve as a valuable tool to find out how you can maximize your Adsense Earnings. Many people are finding it difficult to maximize their Adsense revenue just because they are unaware of some basic steps which they need to follow. Generally speaking, earning with Google Adsense has become challenging off late partly due to some strict guidelines imposed by Google upon new users, and partly due to online market trends. Some years, people surfing the internet used to click whenver they come upon attractive ads. As a result, Google Adsense users were actually generating more money. But today, with the increased use of internet, people have become more circumspect. As a result, people are now starting to ignore ads on websites, unless they are really worth exploring. This trend has made a big impact today. Some people make as high as $10,000 per month whereas others struggle to make even $100 per month. Hence, in order to become a successful Adsense affiliate, one needs to access various factors in order to optimize their income.

Below, are 10 useful Tips to maximize your Google Adsense Revenue

1. Before creating a site, first analyze the topic that you are writing. If your topic is not commercial, you may still get traffic but you will not get clicks from visitors. For ex, A site based on Insurance plans will fetch your a higher revenue as compared to a site based on Women beauty tips

2. Choose the right Keywords for your Site. Apt keywords will lead to better traffic and better content-matching Ads, thereby ultimately leading to high revenue. To find out the list of top paying keywords, visit,

3. Make sure that the beginning of the page is catchy and attractive. This will attract more visitors to read the content further

4. Do not put pictures or links at the beginning of the page. People may ignore your site

5. Make sure that your site has unique content. Sites with copied contents or pornographic contents will fetch you little or no revenue

6. Do not place too many links or pictures on your site. This may look awkward to most visitors

7. Make sure that your Ads blend with the background of the page. Select your Ads Font/size such that it blends with the rest of the content. This is a very important factor which can dramatically improve your page CTR(click-through-rate)

8. Don't choose Ad panels consisting solely of Text ads or solely of Image ads. The Ad selection which fetches maximum revenue is that of an Image ad & Text ad combination

9. Update your sites periodically. If your site's SEO(search engine optimization) ranking goes down, high revenue ads may be removed from your site. To learn how to get maximim traffic to your site, visit,

10. To increase traffic to your site, submit your site periodically to Search engines such Google, Yahoo and MSN. Also, submit your site to Social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Reditt, Stumbleupon or Facebook

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